Mighty goose switch release date
Mighty goose switch release date

mighty goose switch release date

From there you can purchase weapons, as well as vehicles such as the Warmachine Tank or the Mech that come equipped with an energy sword. While enemies only occasionally drop weapons, they consistently drop coins, which can be spent by pausing the game and selecting the shop application from Mighty’s nifty little smartphone. While the power they provide is exhilarating, their limited ammo supply means you must be smart with your usage, as running out will see Mighty return to using the default pistol. This extends to the rocket launcher that locks onto enemies, as well as the lightning gun that envelops enemies in a bolt of lightning that can travel to other enemies nearby.

mighty goose switch release date

Whether it be the machine gun that allows you to spray down enemies, or the powerful shotgun that eviscerates anything close while also serving as a handy tool to propel you upwards in the air, each weapon is designed to feel particularly punchy and fun to use.

mighty goose switch release date

For that, you’ll need to make the most of the weapons they drop as you take them out. Mighty begins levels equipped with his trusty red arm cannon, a reliable weapon for sure, but not one that is going to make much of an impact when a multitude of the Void King’s cronies come hurtling towards you in unison. The quality of the music doesn’t quite reach the heights where it will end up in my personal music rotation, but it does a brilliant job of amplifying the feeling of the level you’re playing. The epic synth-rock that accompanies this already part of the level truly adds to the already intense moment. The soundtrack also has its fair share of bangers, with my favourite track appearing towards the end of the “Planet Zandbak” level where you are making your way to the front of a heavily occupied weapons convoy.


Backgrounds and foregrounds alike exhibit plenty of detail, while levels are brimming with plenty of vibrant colours, with firefights full of explosions and hordes of enemies adding further. As a self-proclaimed glutton for pixel art in indie games I often find myself enamoured by pixel aesthetics of all shapes and sizes, but there’s no denying that Mighty Goose has an attractive visual look. While the narrative isn’t great, Mighty Goose impresses with its quality pixel art aesthetic.

Mighty goose switch release date